Monday, September 27, 2010

Longevity NOW Conference - Day 3

The final day, and it was packed with the best of the best. Daniel Vitalis started us off with water - it's history, it's properties, how amazing it is, what we've done to it, where not to get it, where TO get it ( He really drove it home for me that THIS WEEK I need to drive to Portsmouth, NH, to pick up glass bottles from the brewery, and then make my way to Exeter to fill them up. I recommend watching any interview with him you can find - on You Tube, wherever. Then find a spring near you and start bottling life!

We heard from Donna Gates, the author of "the Body Ecology Diet", which is a must-read for anyone battling candida (most of the American population!). I've always been a fan of fermented foods... But she really sold me on them. Essential to a healthy gut, and they take away your desire for SUGAR! She also spoke extensively on colon / small intestine cleansing... Which I will have to investigate more on my own. What I really loved about her session was how she described the intelligence of bacteria (micro flora). How they communicate with your gut, have the ability to silence "bad" genes such as diabetes, and are responsible for a significant percentage of your immunity. Can I get a "woot woot" shout out to good bacteria!

Donna also addressed Thyroid and Adrenals, which is a hot button for just about everyone (including me). Her breakdown of how to support healthy thyroid/adrenal function goes a little something like this: minerals, B vitamins, vitamin C, healthy proteins and fats (raw butter, ghee), vitamin D, iodine, zinc, selenium.

David Wolfe has been intensely researching hormones for the past year+, and he spent a significant amount of time educating us on hormones - the master switches of aging... If your hormones are abundant and balanced, you're protected! Hormone imbalance is responsible for obesity, depression, cancer, diabetes, aging, infertility, mood swings, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, heart disease... Wow. Causes of hormone imbalance include virus in the pancreas, toxic diet, poor fats and oils, mineral deficiency, pollution, low iodine, heavy metals, plastics, pesticides, soy, birth control pills, cholesterol medication. There are different strategies for helping different hormones, but some of the recurring things are good saturated fats and oils, MSM, folvic acid, nascent iodine, seaweeds, coconut products, a clean (raw) diet, enzymes (lipase), deer antler, I-3-C, maca, citrus peel, oatmeal, cruciferous veggies, tongkat ali, tribulus, superfood protein, far infrared sauna, goji, chlorella, marine phytoplankton, sea salt (pink Hawaiian), jing herbs, grounding, VITAMIN D, proper exercise.

The last one on that lengthy list, proper exercise, leads right into our time with Dr. Mercola (what a TREAT!). Dr. Mercola explained that telomeres, the caps at the end of all our DNA strands, are the most accurate biological clock there is - aging. As cells replicate, the telomere chain gets shorter each time. There are things that prematurely shorten telomeres, but the interesting thing is that our reproductive cells DO NOT AGE. They have a gene, telomerase, that repairs the damage during replication. In fact, all cells have this gene, but it is turned off and therefore aging occurs. The key is finding a way to turn on telomerase in all our other cells, and reverse aging. Whoa!

This hasn't been figured out yet, but there are things we can do to slow down telomere damage. Increase your production of human growth hormone (HGH) naturally through proper exercise and diet. Dr. Mercola explains that we've been on a cardio kick since the 70's (himself included), and he's learned through speaking with 6 of the top fitness experts in the world that cardio is not the way to go. Natural production of HGH decreases by 50% by the time we reach 30. Not because our bodies can't produce it, but because of the fitness changes we make between our early childhood and adulthood. The key to increasing your HGH production is oxygen debt, muscle burn, and not eating ANY FRUCTOSE for at least 2 hours following a workout. Mercola suggests following the Peak 8 philosophy of training: short burst / rest intervals in sets of 8. For example: sprint 8-10 seconds at 90-100% effort, then 90 seconds of rest. Repeat 7 times. Or: cycle 20-30 seconds at 70-90% effort, then 90 seconds of rest. Repeat 7 times. He says the elliptical machine can be just as effective. Always cool down afterwards. He also recommends mixing this routine up with yoga or Power Plate, Peter Egoscue stretching, strength training, core training, plyometrics... and MAYBE some cardio. You can check your HGH levels with a urine test. Should be 1000+ for men and women.

There are some VERY exciting things happening with the website, and I urge everyone to subscribe to the newsletter if you are not already. Dr. Mercola is doing some amazing things to make it possible and affordable (essentially free) for you to be your own best doctor...

Unfortunately, I had to leave the conference over an hour early to catch my flight home. However, I know my new friend Travis will hook me up with anything vital I may have missed. this concludes my 3-day longevity experience, but I'll leave you all with a little snack.

Frank Giglio's Curried Kelp Noodle Salad

- 1 package kelp noodles (soak with live oil, vinegar, and juice from 1 lime)
- red bell pepper julienned
- 1 large piece of ginger micro planed
- 2 carrots shredded
- 1 cucumber diced
- 1 daicon shredded
- 1 habanero diced
Stir together with the noodles along with curry spice and arame.
- 1 chopped green onion
- chopped cilantro
- dulse flakes

Add these on top and serve!

I made this for myself tonight for dinner... See photo. Enjoy!


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